Parliament of Ukraine ( adopted law on exemption from profit tax of investors who organize Business in Ukraine, implement investment projects, create joint ventures or buy operating business for further development in priority sectors of the Ukrainian economy, such as: Agriculture (growing crops, organization of farms, purchase of agricultural machinery, construction of storage facilities and grain line elevators, grain terminals, etc.); Metallurgy (investments in metallurgical enterprises, modernization of enterprises and improvement of working conditions), Mining (iron ore deposits development and construction of concentrating factories), Transport & Infrastructure (construction of airports, ports and terminals, railway stations, international autobahns for turnover increase), Machine industry (organization of automobile assembly plants, Joint Venture\Partnership), Aircraft industry, IT technologies, energy-saving technologies (construction of biofuels, pellets etc, production plants, solar farms \ modules, wind farms), Pharmacy services (organization of medicines and medical equipment production), Food industry (construction of plants, factories, development of existing food production)
Starting from January 1st, 2011 Hotel Business was exempted from profit tax: ” five stars “,” four stars “and” three stars ” hotels, including newly constructed or reconstructed, or in which major repairs or restoration of existing buildings and structures are performed.
Investors are exempted from tax up to 2018.
The law also provides duty-free importation of equipment for the newly established enterprises and upgrading existing ones.
This is a good basis for improvement of conditions for investments attraction in priority sectors of the Ukrainian economy and increase of the investment attractiveness of Ukraine as a whole.
Investment possibilities in Ukraine: