The president of Ukraine Victor Yanukovych signed the Law of Ukraine № 2372-VI “On amending some laws of Ukraine in connection with the organization and holding of the final part of the European Football Championship 2012 in Ukraine”.
According to the document, the objects (except excisable goods) which until September the 1st, 2012 will be imported into the customs territory of Ukraine and imported goods intended for UEFA authorities or championship participants (except Ukraine team) will not be duties imposed as well as will have exemption from value added taxes.
Simplified procedure of customs clearance will be implemented to the objects intended for the preparation and holding of Euro 2012. The objects described above will be passed through the customs border of Ukraine and customs registration without submission of documents confirming sanitary-epidemiological, veterinary, phytosanitary, radiological, environmental, certificates of origin, quality and compliance, permits, licenses, and other conclusions of the state authorized bodies.
The law “On amending some laws of Ukraine in connection with the organization and holding of the finals part the European Football Championship 2012 in Ukraine” came into the force and will be valid until September the 1st, 2012.