Ukraine climbed by 18 places in the rating of tax systems

Ukraine improved its performance by 18 positions in PricewaterhouseCoopers* rating of tax systems in comparison with the previous year.

Various governments continue to reform their tax systems, despite the instability of the global economy, states the official report of the World Bank, IFC and PwC Paying Taxes 2013. For example, since June last year to May 2012 in 31 countries tax payment procedures for small and medium businesses have been simplified. According to the research, Ukraine improved its performance by 18 positions in the rating of tax systems comparing with the previous year and raised in the rating from 183 up to the 165 position.

According to the research Paying Taxes 2013**, which analyzes the taxation regulations in 185 countries, establishment or improvement of filling systems and tax returns submission systems in online mode is the most common tax reform. This reform was carried out in 16 countries.

