The presence in our country of local raw materials, namely, flour and sugar – has become a prerequisite for the creation and development of over 20-21 century powerful confectionery industry.
At this point, confectionery produce about 300 Ukrainian companies with large volumes of production.
On average, the increase of production in the sector averages 23% annually. According to estimates of the State Statistics Committee, the volume of production of the confectionery industry as a whole is about 3% of the GDP of Ukraine.
The dynamic development of the confectionery sector, increased production of confectionery products in Ukraine due to several reasons:
– Restructuring and consolidation of the ownership of capital in the industry;
– Significant domestic and foreign investment;
– Expanding the range of products;
– Active marketing policy of the manufacturer;
-Use of modern packing materials and the introduction of new technologies.
At this time, saturation confectionery market of Ukraine is practically no different from the market of the European countries. Confectionery count up to 2000 items and 90% of the confectionery market belong to domestic products.
Confectionery market in Ukraine is characterized by certain features, in particular:
– Confectionery market is a material-intensive: the bulk of expenditure is aimed at the acquisition of raw materials;
– Seasonality of raw materials causes fluctuations in the prices of sugar, flour and cocoa beans during the year;
– Seasonality of production: autumn and winter confectionery demand is growing.
The confectionery sector is divided into four main segments:
– Pastries (cookies, biscuits, crackers, wafers, gingerbread) output, which is 41.4% of the production volume of the whole sector;
-konditerskie products (candy, jelly beans, candy-free cocoa, oriental sweets) output, which is 32.0% of the production volume of the whole sector;
– Chocolate products – production capacity, which is 26.2% of the production volume of the whole sector;
– Cocoa powder – the volume of production, which is 0.4% of the production volume of the whole sector.
The largest share in monetary terms – 39.8% of the segment of chocolate products, 37.1% are flour products, sugar confectionery share is 21.6%.
The largest share of export of Ukrainian confectioners falls on the CIS countries – the most well-functioning partner in exports.
More than half of enterprises (ie large enterprises) export their products to Europe, reflecting the high level of quality of Ukrainian sweets. 27% of large companies are exporting their own products in the US and Canada.
Confectionery industry is represented by enterprises of Ukraine, which are included in the State Food Department of Ukraine “Ukrkonditer”, “Ukrprodsoyuz”, “Ukrhleb” and non-associated representatives of private business. Almost a quarter of the volume of confectionery production is concentrated in the factories “Ukrkonditer” factories of food products “Ukrprodsoyuz” in shops and catering “Ukrhleb” system. Confectionery factories are located in almost every region of Ukraine.
There has been an increase in the number of companies producing pastries, and a decrease in the number of enterprises for the production of chocolate confectionery.
68.4% of the market operators involved in the production of flour confectionery products, and only 22.9% more high-tech producing sugary and chocolate products, 8.7% – food products produce the rest.
In the process of distribution and market structuring took place the creation of powerful corporations: Roshen, AVK, Kiev-Konti, Svitoch.
The existence of powerful corporations allows Ukrainian confectioners supplying their products not only at regional, but also on the Ukrainian market, and also export products abroad. The top regions-leaders in the production of confectionery products includes: Kiev, Poltava, Dnipropetrovsk and Odessa regions.