Review of the investment potential of the Chernivtsi region

The competitive advantages of this area are:
– Economy of the region aimed at innovative – investment model of development, cross-border cooperation and the development of transit systems;
– Favorable economic – geographical position at the crossroads of Central, Eastern and Southern Europe, it borders with the European Union;
– A powerful scientific and educational center: 32 University, which operates 214 doctors of sciences and 1213 candidates of sciences, 181 professors, 825 associate professors;
– Advanced IT – the industry;
– Development of agricultural sector;
– Excellent ecological situation.

In Chernivtsi region has more than 250 industrial enterprises.
In the structure of industrial production is dominated by the following economic activities: production of electricity, gas, steam and conditioned air, food and beverage products, light industry, mechanical engineering, chemical and petrochemical industries.
Businesses and organizations in the region is carried out foreign trade operations with many countries of the world. In 2015, with the area of ​​production was exported to 51 countries around the world. Imported goods were received from 68 countries.The competitive advantages of this area are:
– Economy of the region aimed at innovative – investment model of development, cross-border cooperation and the development of transit systems;
– Favorable economic – geographical position at the crossroads of Central, Eastern and Southern Europe, it borders with the European Union;
– A powerful scientific and educational center: 32 University, which operates 214 doctors of sciences and 1213 candidates of sciences, 181 professors, 825 associate professors;
– Advanced IT – the industry;
– Development of agricultural sector;
– Excellent ecological situation.



Import Partners




Export Partners



1 Russian Federation 25,0 Turkey 29,0
2 Romania 20,3 Romania 12,1
3 Germany 9,1 Poland 11,7
4 Belarus 8,3 Germany 7,8
5 Italy 5,6 China 5,2
6 Iran 4,7 Syria 4,8
7 Moldova 3,6 Hungary 3,4
8 Turkey 3,3 USA 3,2
9 Poland 2,2 Italy 2,8
10 Russian Federation 2,0

In 2015 59.3 million US dollars of direct investment was attracted into the economy of this area.

Countries – investors

direct investment

(Mln USD)

In  %


Total 59,3 100,0
The Netherlands 15,1 25,5
United Kingdom 9,2 15,5
Cyprus 5,7 9,6
Turkey 4,1 6,9
Romania 3,7 6,2
Italy 3,3 5,6
Israel 3,0 5,1
France 2,4 4,0
Germany 2,4 4,0
Estonia 2 2
Czech Republic 1,8 3,0
Poland 1,5 2,5
USA 1,2 2,0
Other countries 2,7 4,6

Geographical structure of foreign trade in services in the region2015

Export Import Balance
thousand dollars in % to


thousand dollars in % to


Total 19091,1 124,6 1755,9 121,8 17335,2
Australia 0,1 80,0 0,1
Austria 41,2 164,9 35,6 × 5,6
Azerbaijan 21,8 80,7 21,8
Albania 0,3 × 0,3
Algeria 2,3 87,6 2,3
Afghanistan 2,1 70,0 2,1
Belgium 4,6 120,5 4,6
Belarus 20,2 37,7 7,8 161,6 12,4
Bulgaria 68,2 2515,9 93,5 × –25,4
Brazil 0,2 × 0,2
British Indian Ocean Territory 4,0 × 4,0
United Kingdom 128,7 55,5 12,8 4,4 115,9
Virgin Islands (Brit.) 1,0 × 1,0
Armenia 3,1 14,6 3,1
Ghana 250,0 101,6 250,0
Greece 4,3 88,4 4,3
Georgia 18,4 93,0 749,0 414,5 –730,6
Denmark 3,2 30,1 3,2
Djibouti 1,6 44,6 1,6
Dominican Republic 3,6 × 3,6
Estonia 10,1 142,7 10,1
Ethiopia 3,1 30,3 3,1
Emen 6,2 93,5 6,2
Zambia 1,6 65,9 1,6
Zimbabwe 1,6 × 1,6
Israel 8,3 65,2 8,3
India 3470,0 134,1 48,1 × 3421,9
Iraq 0,0 33,3 0,0
Iran, Islamic Republic of 186,1 1215,3 –186,1
Ireland 13,5 175,1 13,5
Spain 8,5 411,1 8,5
Italy 190,2 109,1 66,1 1258,5 124,1
Jordan 295,9 117,6 295,9
Kazakhstan 10,9 44,6 10,9
Cameroon 5,6 151,9 5,6
Canada 1229,4 133,3 43,4 × 1186,0
Kenya 4,1 113,6 4,1
China 11,4 24,3 11,4
Cyprus 89,3 66,1 –89,3
Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 2,0 × 2,0
Colombia 0,1 72,7 0,1
Latvia 25,5 192,0 32,3 2938,2 –6,8
Lithuania 21,3 15,6 0,5 × 20,9
Libya 8,5 71,3 8,5
Luxembourg 50,5 696,8 50,5
Moldova, Republic of 83,0 53,9 83,0
Nigeria 67,2 87,6 67,2
Holland 866,4 69,8 4,3 94,1 862,1
Germany 4983,0 326,0 20,5 13,4 4962,4
Nepal 0,8 25,5 0,8
Norway 0,2 175,0 0,2
United Arab Emirates 35,7 247,9 13,5 × 22,2
Pakistan 2,8 66,2 2,8
Poland 608,1 72,2 36,4 14,4 571,6
Portugal 6,7 195,3 6,7
Russia 218,4 63,9 60,5 63,9 157,8
Romania 5306,0 101,9 1,2 1054,5 5304,9
Senegal 1,3 × 1,3
Serbia 2,2 3185,7 2,2
Syrian Arab Republic 21,1 89,8 21,1
Slovakia 5,2 3070,6 5,2
Slovenia 0,9 4300,0 0,7 46,5 0,1
Somalia 1,1 10,4 1,1
Sudan 7,1 266,2 7,1
USA 459,7 111,5 14,0 102,9 445,7
Taiwan, Province of China 10,9 32,7 3,9 × 7,0
Tunisia 0,9 × 0,9
Turkey 238,1 61,2 12,1 × 226,0
Turkmenistan 0,2 × 0,2
Hungary 0,5 144,1 0,5
Finland 8,7 108,9 8,7
France 53,9 131,0 53,9
Czech Republic 73,6 108,4 106,8 76,3 –33,2
Switzerland 70,4 358,9 117,6 2122,0 –47,2

Priority sectors for investment in this area are:

– Highly productive agricultural sector;

– Technological upgrading food, light and woodworking industries;

– Recreational and tourist industry;

– Housing and utilities;

– transport infrastructure;

– Cross-border cooperation.