june the 25-27th 2004, Odessa Mayger Consulting in cooperation with Ukrainian Agency of Financial Development, the State Commission for Regulation of Financial Services Markets of Ukraine and the National Depository of Ukraine held the second International Financial Forum.
New possibilities and problems of financial market development caused by intensification of investment integration and globalization processes were discussed at the Forum by government, scientists, businessmen, Ukrainian and foreign politicians, particularly:
- Prospects of Ukrainian financial markets development within joining the WTO and integration in the EU;
- Ways and mechanisms of investments flow canalization;
- Problems and prospects of banks activities on the financial market;
- Preconditions and prospects of investment insurance business development;
- Current development of mortgage markets and housing financing;
- Technologies of asset management and bank trust;
- Ways of organized stock market and national depository system development;
- Problems of joint investment institutions, credit unions and non-state pension funds;
- Mechanisms of risk insurance and interests protection of financial market participants;
- Current issues of financial monitoring, regulation and control of financial institutions.