Review of the investment potential of the Cherkasy region

Cherkasy region – one of the youngest regions in Ukraine, but the economic indicators in the region is among the leaders among the regions of our country. The presence of fertile black soil causes a high level of development of the agricultural sector. The area over the last few years, is a leader in grain crop yields, livestock productivity, processing of agricultural products.
The competitive advantages of the region are:
– Natural resources: land fund of the region in their fertile potential is among the highest in the country;
– Favorable economic – geographical location: area is located at the crossroads of important transport communications;
– The presence of water connections;
– High level of operating potential;
– A favorable business climate.

On the territory of Cherkasy region is located 542 industrial enterprises.
In the structure of industrial production is dominated by the following economic activities: manufacture of food products, beverages and tobacco, chemical industry, mechanical engineering.
Businesses and organizations in the region is carried out foreign trade operations with many countries of the world. In 2015, with the region exported products to 106 countries around the world, imported goods were received from 80 countries around the world.


Main export partners %


Main import partners %


1 Russian Federation 19,6 Russian Federation 64,1
2 Poland 14,5 Belarus 4,2
3 India 8,2 China 3,7
4 China 5,4 Germany 3,6
5 Brazil 4,8 Bulgaria 3,0
6 Turkey 4,1 Sweden 2,6
7 Italy 3,8 Poland 2,5
8 Byelorussia 3,1 Italy 1,2
9 Kazakhstan 2,8
10 Germany 2,2

In 2015  352.90 million US dollars of direct investment was attracted into the economy of this area.

The main countries – investors are: Belize, Cyprus, Great Britain, Germany, France, Spain, the Russian Federation.

Geographical structure foreign trade for 2015 

Export Import Balance
thousand dollars US in % to


thousand dollars US in % to


Total 434189,9 69,6 228186,1 49,9 206003,7
Australia 32,8 38,4 32,8
Austria 2647,6 262,3 1850,7 50,6 796,9
Azerbaijan 4410,8 44,6 4410,8
Albania 932,7 65,8 932,7
Algeria 4243,7 101,6 4243,7
Argentina 114,8 2,5 2,2 0,5 112,5
Afghanistan 81,1 264,1 81,1
Bangladesh 287,9 53,1 287,9
Bahrain 8,0 26,4 26,7 165,4 –18,6
Belgium 3518,5 67,2 2419,9 66,4 1098,6
Belarus 41381,4 91,3 8261,4 16,7 33120,0
Bulgaria 3164,2 154,4 4275,4 20,2 –1111,2
Bosnia and Herzegovina 172,0 327,3 172,0
Brazil 3450,7 143,6 –3450,7
Burkina Faso 14,5 –14,5
United Kingdom 2079,8 87,0 4867,4 68,7 –2787,6
Vietnam 578,0 39,0 927,4 102,1 –349,4
Armenia 995,3 148,3 117,3 26,9 878,0
Ghana 44,4 163,3 –44,4
Hong Kong 141,5 199,2 32,3 667,3 109,1
Greece 288,7 9,6 21,4 0,4 267,3
Georgia 2921,9 88,3 681,0 30,9 2240,9
Denmark 922,0 107,3 1877,4 24,0 –955,4
Djibouti 872,6 345,9 872,6
Estonia 1328,0 95,9 41,5 1286,5
Ethiopia 367,8 907,2 367,8
Egypt 20701,6 198,8 995,0 83,3 19706,5
Emen 257,2 261,1 257,2
Israel 8895,2 82,3 295,1 44,7 8600,1
India 18595,7 1422,7 5071,3 61,3 13524,4
Indonesia 1751,9 134,5 8204,4 294,0 –6452,5
Iraq 2340,4 153,1 2340,4
Iran, Islamic
Republic 1999,9 50,0 1999,9
Ireland 1311,4 71015,0 0,0 0,0 1311,4
Iceland 452,3 50,8 –452,3
Spain 18482,3 132,5 1426,6 67,5 17055,7
Italy 20937,7 42,5 5429,4 82,2 15508,3
Jordan 2936,0 80,7 0,0 2935,9
Kazakhstan 21038,4 143,4 1269,3 284,6 19769,1
Canada 283,3 132,2 245,3 29,2 38,0
Qatar 3,9
Kenya 308,4 21,0 308,4
Kyrgyzstan 1330,6 86,8 1330,6
China 3718,1 26,6 33135,8 81,0
Cyprus 464,7 98,1 0,5 464,2
The former Yugoslav
Republic of Macedonia 340,0 487,3 307,9
Korean People
Democratic Republic 7252,9 2187,1
Republic of Korea 3470,3 46,9 425,4 182,4 3044,8
Costa Rica 276,7 11,3 265,4
Côte d’Ivoire 68,9 68,9
Cuba 19,2 0,3 19,2
Latvia 3008,5 140,7 27,3 4,0 2981,2
Lithuania 6359,0 40,1 3805,2 72,8
Lebanon 1348,5 80,0 1348,5
Libya 378,5 66,1 378,5
Luxembourg 55,2 105,8
Mauritania 622,3 143,6 622,3
Malaysia 298,0 81,6 4888,1 147,5
Malta 0,6 0,6
Morocco 3611,0 32,8 52,0 204,6
Mexico 10902,3 125,1 37,3 66,5 10865,0
Republic of Moldova 8967,7 86,6 2127,4 196,0 6840,3
Mongolia 122,4 82,0 122,4
Nigeria 184,7 3,9 184,7
Holland 10071,3 177,3 4746,3 77,8 5325,0
Germany 14496,6 63,0 28965,9 72,3
New Zealand 9,0 0,7
Norway 1287,3 68,0 59,7 1227,6
United Arab
Emirates 2055,8 29,3 109,7 19,9
Pakistan 729,9 14,7 371,4 242247,9
Palestine 1683,0 61,5 1683,0
Panama 56,1 1215,5
South Africa 2069,4 820,7 29,0 56,0
Poland 41988,4 64,8 15250,5 95,1 26737,9
Portugal 8291,8 151,1 6,7 8,3 8285,0
Puerto-Rico 30,1 30,1
Russia 34596,5 29,1 17614,1 16,7 16982,4
Romania 4579,0 257,7 3552,0 17,2 1027,0
San Marino 24,2
Saudi Arabia 6665,0 81,8 69,8 18,6 6595,3
Senegal 8,9 10,4 8,9
Serbia 538,4 137,5 53,3 1,6 485,1
Syrian Arab
Republic 443,0 71,2
Singapore 1035,4 62,4
Slovakia 1122,3 101,4 5531,0 138,0
Slovenia 599,2 1395,8 1206,2 33,7
Somalia 5,7
Sudan 346,2 57,8 346,2
USA 1322,7 18,9 7294,3 56,6
Serra Leone 0,4 15,8
Tajikistan 137,7 50,7 137,7
Thailand 4243,0 242,9 28,6 109,3 4214,3
Taiwan, Province of
China 24,5 4,0 445,2 179,0
Tunisia 2479,5 85,0 0,1
Turkey 32057,9 114,1 4302,2 81,6
Turkmenistan 1602,3 80,5 211,8 224,0 1390,5
Hungary 2933,4 19,3 3059,0 46,2
Uzbekistan 522,8 40,8 2344,2 95,7
Uruguay 5,0 0,3 41,2
Philippines 2158,1 159,2 97,3 446,8 2060,8
Finland 45,0 8,6 789,6 25,7
France 7429,1 169,9 6577,7 55,4
French Guiana 25,7 25,7
Croatia 7,2 2,7
Chad 1,2 1,2
Czech Republic 599,7 118,5 2060,3 60,7
Chile 173,5 188,4 26,1 4,8 147,3
Switzerland 99,1 103,2 1563,1 59,8
Sweden 1726,1 185,6 17001,7 119,6
Sri Lanka 730,4 119,6
Jamaica 2,2 47,3
Japan 842,4 39,7 5814,0 59,9

Priority sectors for investment in this area are:

– Agribusiness;

– Food industry;

– The processing industry;

– Chemical and petrochemical industry;

– Hotel and tourism industry.