Investment support in Ukraine

MAYGER professionally provides services on investment support and investor relation, location of investment, M&A, business organization, implementation of investment projects, development and maintenance of existing business in Ukraine.

We are the initiators of the Association of Foreign Investors in Ukraine and invite you FOR FREE to cooperate and join the membership aimed at promotion of Investment in Ukraine. Association of Foreign Investors in Ukraine is a business club of investors which is open to all foreign companies interested in investing in Ukrainian economy.

Why investing exactly in Ukraine? Investment in Ukraine has a number of advantages:

  • One of the biggest consumer markets in Europe with 46 million people
  • A lot of sectors of economy require investment
  • Per capita consumption of many goods and services is very low. As a result, high growth potential fo rconsumer goods consumption.
  • Skilled labor force
  • Rich natural resources
  • Favorable geographic location. Ukraine has an access to four out of ten European transport corridors. Ukraine is located on the cross roads between Europe and the Asia. Ukraine is close to markets of Europe and Russia. Ukraine is one of the European leaders be a number of infrastructure characteristics: road, railroads, mobilepenetration.
  • Improving tax environment

With developed markets being in stagnation, investors are searching of places for potential investing. Ukraine presents exactly what investors are looking for.

Expected to have only 2.2% growth of GDP in 2012, Ukraine has definitely slowed down from the boom years 2000-2008, when the annual growth of GDP was 7,5%. However as Europe slides into recession, Ukraine’s positive growth rate still places it among the region’s leaders.

In Ukraine there are a lot of opportunities and projects in different areas (real estate, energy, agriculture, hospitality, consumer goods industry, shipbuilding, machine building, finance industry, infrastructure, metallurgy industry, etc.) which require investment for further development. Most of these projects are very profitable as for the Ukrainian part, as for the foreign investor.

Ukraine has created developed legal environment for investments.   Ukrainian legislation provides indispensable guarantees for investors’ activities. On the territory of Ukraine foreign investors are assisted by national regulations for investment activity, which means that they are in equal conditions with native investors. Foreign investments in Ukraine are not subject to nationalization which is also very important fot investors.

To improve protection of foreign investors the Convention on the Settlement of Investment Disputes between Statesand Nationals of Other States from 1965 was ratified by the Law of Ukraine dated 16.03.2000 No. 1547.

Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine signed and ratified intergovernmental agreements on promotion and mutual protection of investments with more than 70 countries.

To support foreign investors State agencies and local consulting companies were founded.

During 2010-2011 a number of legislative acts were adopted to assist the improvement of investment climate in Ukraine.

In 2011 the government reviewed and adopted the Investment reform of Ukraine. The main objective of the reform is active involvement of foreign direct investments into Ukraine’s economy, forming a positive image of Ukraine in the world and positioning of Ukraine as a financial, political and business centre in the Eastern Europe.

In support of this initiative, Foreign Direct Investment is actively encouraged.

Investing in the emerging economy, investors need an independent opinion on the technical, market and financial viability of the proposed project. Similarly, where international debt financing is a part of the funding, prospective lenders often require an independent proof of the project’s forecast ability to service its debt.

MAYGER has an extensive experience in supporting FDI. We offer a comprehensive range of business services, from initial scoping studies, business and strategic development, technical and financial feasibility studies and Due Diligence, business development, implementation of investment projects and project support. By combining our analytical resources with our extensive database we are able to provide independent expert advice on almost any enterprise or project under consideration.

The activities of MAYGER supporting direct investment are aimed at assisting potential investors in the decisions they make about locating their investment in Ukraine.

Our activities in the area of foreign direct investment support include services for potential investors, after-care service for investors, and activities for strengthening ties between foreign investors and local business representatives.

Other activities include as well cooperation with state authorities on the governmental, regional and local levels, preparation of presentations and promotion materials, facilitation of contacts with state and local authorities and providing offers of appropriate business according to your criteria.

Currently we have a big database (UKRPROJECT DATABASE) of projects in various stages of readiness for investments as well as existing industrial objects, business and investment project.

MAYGER is the owner of the unique Ukrainian business portal «BUSINESS IN UKRAINE», where you can find investment projects and businesses for purchase, joint venter for investment or partnership in Ukraine: