- Creation Business, Registering Company in Ukraine
- Business Partner in Ukraine
- Business Development Ukraine
- Hotel Business Development, Hotel Consulting Ukraine
- Investment support in Ukraine
- Legal services in Ukraine, Legal Support Ukraine
- Financial advisory services in Ukraine
- Franchise Business In Ukraine
- Management consulting
- Marketing Concept
- Market Research, Market Analysis Ukraine
- Merger & Acquisition, Purchase and Sale of Businesses
- Consulting service Ukraine
- Valuation in Ukraine
- Audit in Ukraine, Accounting Ukraine
- Risk Management
- Tenders in Ukraine
- Business planning Ukraine
- Government Relations
- All consulting services in Ukraine
MAYGER is a Professional Company specialized on complex advices in the sphere of Finances in Ukraine for international clients.
MAYGER has developed a lot of complicated and innovative products, procedures and reliable solutions for organization and realization of investment projects, organization and development of financial business in Ukraine.
Ukrainian Company MAYGER provides complex services and solutions in Ukrainian Financial sector.
Being engaged in this professional activity since 2000, we can offer solutions that meet the needs and requirements of investors in Ukrainian market of finance.
We offer our clients products, procedures and solutions necessary for doing business in Ukraine from strategy and business development to comprehensive support of your business in Ukraine.
MAYGER provide full support to foreign clients for organization of banks and branches (turnkey registration of banks, creation of banks) in Ukraine.
Providing consulting services for creation and registration of banks (or branches) in Ukraine, we do the following:
- Translation and legalization of documents according to Ukrainian legislation
- Property selection for Bank, legal support of acquisition or lease of the premises
- Organization and management of adapting property fora Bank (development of project documentation, tenders for construction, equipment, commissioning of the premises by National Bank of Ukraine)
- Elaboration of functional organization of the Bank according to shareholders’ criteria
- Elaboration of business plan for shareholders and presentation of the plan to the National Bank of Ukraine
- Elaboration of directions, regulations, instructions for practicing bank activities according to institutional structure of the Bank, etc.
More information about bank creation and registrationand branches in Ukraine http://www.mayger.org/en/products/finance/
MAYGER provides the wide range of consulting services for purchase ormerger of an operating bank in Ukraine:
- Bank selection, bank balance analysis and reporting
- Due diligence of assets and bank liabilities
- Development of a financial acquisition scheme, legal support of property rights acquisition
- Support of documents circulation between shareholders and regulative authorities, related to bank re-registration on all stages
- Development of the functional structure of the bank
- Development of new instructions, regulations, directions on carrying out of particular kinds of bank operations taking into account the institutional bank structure
- Full support of bank activity in Ukraine, etc.
More information about purchase or merger of bank in Ukraine http://www.mayger.org/en/products/finance/
Also we provide services for business support and development as well as organization (registration, creation) of finance business in Ukraine such as:
- Registration of insurance company in Ukraine, purchase of insurance company in Ukraine
- Registration and creation as well as purchase of pension funds in Ukraine
- Registration and development of investment company in Ukraine
- Registration or purchase of Credit Union in Ukraine, Commercial credit company in Ukraine
- Asset Management company in Ukraine: registration, development and support
- Registration and support of Fund of Construction Financing (FCF) and Fund of Realty Operations (FRO) in Ukraine
- Other financial institutes’ registration, purchase and development.
Our consulting services conclude development of operating banks, insurance companies, pension funds, investment companies, Credit Unions, Asset Management companies, etc. to increase the profitability of your business in Ukraine.
We can also assist with selling of banks, insurance companies, pension funds, investment companies, Credit Unions, Asset Management companies, etc. in Ukraine. We guarantee an individual approach and act in the interests of our clients.
In addition to providing services for doing business in the finance sphere of Ukraine, we also provide financial due diligence, legal due diligence, financial planning, tax optimization, financial and banking, legal services etc.
Clients of MAYGER highly value customer oriented approach to solving the tasks arising in the course of implementation of complex strategic projects in the financial sphere, in-depth comprehension of Ukrainian financial Industry, experience in transactions at the level of the world standards and building long-term trusting relationship with the Clients.